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Is a new era of data privacy long overdue?

From further information revealing Yahoo's actions, to personal data being valued at $3.20, is a new era of data privacy long overdue?

Have our phones invaded our privacy of thought? Do companies need to offer 'social contracts' with their customers to build trust and transparency? How can companies unify datasets to maximise sales without compromising customer privacy?

A carefully curated summary of the top data-related news from the week:


Google launched Pixel 📞 - the first phone made by Google inside and out. However, the phone's AI-powered assistant collects even more personal information which, due to the nature of AI, is also less secure than ever.

Further scandal at Yahoo unravelled this week, to the extent that Yahoo "secretly monitored emails on behalf of the US government". 😵👎

TalkTalk was fined £400,000 for the breach of over 157,000 people's personal information, including bank details - meaning your personal data is only worth $3.20! 😒

Data privacy

"Will a focus on data protection save the day?" 🔍 Worthwhile read by Dan Kusnetzky.

As GDPR looms, data privacy needs to be prioritised. 👀 Are you ready for the new era of data security and protection?

Should Brexit mean Brexit from EU data privacy laws? Topical article by Liat Clark on what Brexit could mean for your data and privacy. 🇪🇺

Is using anonymisation a broken system? 🔓 Interesting opinion piece on the rethinking of data privacy. 💭

Saskia Nagel and Peter Reiner examine how our minds are blended with our devices. 🤔📲Poses thought provoking questions on the privacy of thought in this digital era - and whether our image of ourselves exists through the amalgam between brain and device. 🤕

Data sharing

Is tech giants sharing personal data worse than the threat of hackers? 💩 Rhiannon Williams builds on the implications of Yahoo's security breach.

Amazon started looking into offering in-home deliveries, by using smart locks and IoT garage doors. 🏠📦 A share too far..? ⚖

Eric Schurr stresses the importance of companies developing trust and transparency in this digital age: "Success will come to those who are clear with consumers about the information that's being collection, how it's being applied and with which entities it is being shared." ☑👍

Should companies start producing "social contracts" 📃 for customers to build trust around use of personal data?


"United we stand, divided we fall". Jakob Bignert stresses the importance of unifying data or risk losing sales, especially in e-commerce. 👏

A dystopian data centre was the focal point of Chanel's fashion week show - "mega byte glitchy"?! 🔌🔌🔌


Move over Instagram, Lose It is now encouraging users to photograph their dinner in the quest to turn it into nutritional insights data. 🌮🍑


Watch the first video of SpaceX's first Mars rocket engine firing. The raptor roars.. 🚀

Catherine Mevs' fourteen real-life ways companies use your personal data are worth a browse. 😆

Lastly, an insightful podcast on how big data and algorithms affect our lives. 🔊

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Nick Halstead Cognitive Logic DataSift founder
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